#wwog Working Woman's Oily Guide to Getting Started with Essential Oils

Working Woman’s Oily Guide to Essential Oils

Many women buy an essential oil or two from the store, not quite sure what to do with them. They rub them on here or there but don’t see life-changing results so they decide these essential oils aren’t really all they’re cracked up to be.

This is one of the reasons why quality is important. An essential oil that smells good but hasn’t been distilled properly won’t have life-changing benefits. This is also why starting with a kit that has a variety of oils in it can help you make the lifestyle changes necessary to see the benefits of essential oils.

#wwog Working Woman's Oily Guide to Getting Started with Essential Oils

I, of course, recommend the Premium Starter Kit from Young Living. They have over 25 years of research, experimentation, and best practices to give you the best oils. In addition, their rigorous standards are the highest in the industry so they can sell the purest, most potent oils. But this #wwog isn’t about the reasons I love Young Living (although that does sound like a fun blog post to write), this working woman’s oily guide is all about the oils in the Premium Starter Kit and how you can use them

When I started using oils, my intention really was to get away from harsh chemicals in my household products as well as modern medicines as much as possible, to get back to the cleaning products and medicines that God had given to us at creation (see Ezekiel 47:12). So I always said we would try oils first for whatever ailed us. If that didn’t work, then we’d go to modern medicine.

But in order to always “try oils first”, you have to have a decent collection of oils to choose from…and that’s just what the Premium Starter Kit is! Head to toe…at work and at home…for you and your family, the Premium Starter Kit proves “there’s and oil for that!” So let’s dive in and check out the 12 oils that are in the Premiun Starter Kit or “PSK” as we affectionately call it.

#wwog Premium Starter Kit-the best way to get started with essential oils
  • Peppermint is my all-time favorite and the one I’d want with me if I were stranded on a deserted island. It’s cooling and energizing (I mentioned it’s energizing abilities in my last blog post.) It is great for digestive support. It’s a natural cognition booster (studies have been done on how diffusing peppermint cut down on errors made by clerical workers). It also helps curb those afternoon cravings and can be a wonderful support to your weight-loss efforts.
  • Lemon is another powerhouse. I like to keep a mini spray-bottle of diluted lemon oil in my kitchen. I use it on counter-tops, the stinky trash can, fresh produce as a produce wash, the stove-top to cut the grease after fixing dinner, the refrigerator, really…everywhere! I also use this to bring some relief if I’m under the weather, just a drop or two rubbed down the spine is wonderful!
  • Lavender is called the “swiss army knife” of oils. It has so many uses. Anything skin-related can benefit from lavender! I’ve put it on my heels after wearing new shoes that have rubbed me wrong. I use it in my toner and moisturizer and shampoo and lotion to soothe my skin and scalp. It can bring instant cooling to skin that is overheated. Lavender paired with Lemon and Peppermint is my go-to trio when my eyes are itchy and my nose is drippy in the spring and fall. And of course, we’ve all heard how Lavender oil can relax you after (or during) a stressful day.
  • Frankincense is the oil they’re talking about when they say it’s time to bring out the big guns. The chemical make-up of this oil makes it so beneficial to the cells in the body and also for supporting the immune system and the emotional/limbic system. Frankincense is great to diffuse while you’re having quiet time with God or after a traumatic event.
#wwog Working Woman's Oily Guide to Getting started with Essential Oils meditate with Frankincense
  • Thieves is everyone’s favorite for fall and winter wellness. Diffusing it can clean the air of germs (according to a study done at Webber University). Applying to your feet (or your kids’ feet) can support their immune system so you are better able to handle whatever germs come your way. Thieves Vitality (did you know that the Young Living Vitality line is GMO-project verified?) can be added to apple juice to make a yummy cider, sprayed on apple slices to help them from turning brown, or in yogurt or applesauce to add a fun spicy flavor.
  • Di-Gize is one I listed in my “Office Survival Kit” post. Full of traditional digestive botanicals, DiGize can offer instant relief of tummy troubles whether that’s too much to eat, something that didn’t sit right, or going too much or not enough. A drop in the toilet before you sit down to go can help things keep moving.
  • Citrus Fresh is refreshing and uplifting. Full of citrus oils and a dash of spearmint oil, this is a favorite to add to water! And all those citrus oils are great for the immune system, the lymphatic system, and cellular health. Diffusing Citrus Fresh is great when you need to be inspired and creative.
  • Raven is another staple at our house in the fall and winter when the crud is going around. This is a blend of oils that support the respiratory system. My son likes to diffuse it and I like to mix it with some coconut oil to rub on my chest and neck for the cooling effect and the sweet eucalyptus smell. It is also great before and after a workout.
#wwog Working Woman's Oily Guide to Getting Started with Essential Oils - Raven for a better workout

  • PanAway is another one I carry with me all the time for those times when I have achy muscles either from typing too much at my desk or thinking I’m young and can keep up with my kids when we go hiking, lol! I love this blend because I know the chemical constituents in the oils are working to support my cells as they repair themselves from the stress I’ve put on them all while reducing the pain I feel.
  • StressAway is an oil blend I use liberally and share freely with my co-workers on those days when things are crazy at our office! One friend in the midst of a crazy morning said she could feel her heart rate slow down back to normal after applying this oil to her wrists.
  • Valor has just recently returned to the Premium Starter Kit. This oil was based on the recipes that ancient Roman soldiers used before going into battle to bring them mental acuity and valor to face their opponents. It is also called “chiropractor in a bottle” because of its ability to help the body hold chiropractic adjustments longer. Valor helps restore balance to the energies of the body, so when I’m feeling out of sorts I will put a drop or two on my wrists and rub them together then hold for a few seconds or longer until I feel my energy come back into balance.
  • Peace and Calming also just returned to the PSK. If you have trouble turning off your brain at the end of the day…or if your kids struggle to sit still ever…this is the oil for you! It helps calm the brain and the reactions to stimuli within the body or from external sources. I love giving bath salts with Peace and Calming oil as gifts because it’s a refreshing and calming scent perfect for the end of a long day.
#wwog Working Woman's Oily Guide to Getting Started with Essential Oils - relax with your family at the end of the day

You may have read this list and said, “well I don’t have any of these issues so I don’t need oils.” But I bet you have some issues, sometimes. And as I mentioned at the beginning of this post, you can’t turn to your oils first if you don’t have them when you need them. Young Living oils don’t expire, you can have them on a shelf waiting for just the time you need them. My medicine cabinet used to have bottles and pills and liquids just waiting for the times I needed them…and by the time I needed them, they were expired. But I don’t have that problem with my oils! They are just always there and waiting for me!

Pin my quick photolist of the 12 oils in the Premium Starter Kit with my favorite uses.

#wwog Working Woman's Oily Guide to Getting started with Essential Oils - photolist

Are you an oil addict like I am? Or are you just thinking about getting started? Did you start with one oil…or did you jump in with a kit? How can I help you use the essential oils you have?