Working Woman’s Oily Guide to Going to the Dentist

When I was a kid, I hated going to the dentist. It wasn’t the dentist or the procedures, it was the smell! Even now when I go into certain dental offices they have that “dentist” smell and it makes me a little sick to my stomach. Thankfully, the dental office my family goes to now doesn’t have that sickly smell…otherwise I might not be so keen on going every six months.

#wwog Working Woman's Oily Guide to the Dentist's Office

My semi-annual check is this afternoon. So I thought I would share some of my quick tips for making your next visit to the dentist easy, peasy.

Good daily care is super important. Choosing a quality toothpaste that doesn’t contain fluoride is the first step. Now I know, we’ve been told that fluoride is important for healthy teeth, but did you know that it is a neuro-toxin? That means it’s toxic to your brain! Young Living has four different toothpastes and none of them contain fluoride. My favorite is the Thieves Aromabright Toothpaste, although I have used all of them and I like them all for different reasons.

#wwog Working Woman's Oily Guide to the Dentist's Office

Adding a drop of Orange Essential Oil to your toothpaste each day can help whiten and brighten your smile.

If you have kids, they will love the KidScents Toothpaste. It contains xylitol which has been shown to improve the health of teeth and has a minty, citrus flavor with no toxic chemicals!

The Thieves Fresh Essence Mouthwash is another great tool to use daily. It has essential oils and colloidal silver to help kill germs in the mouth. A clinical study showed that using Thieves Fresh Essence Mouthwash alone was better for teeth than using commercial toothpaste and mouthwash together.

Flossing is another important step to good dental hygiene. But when you floss with commercial flosses you are introducing artificial flavors to one of the most absorbent parts of your body…the mouth. Thieves Dental Floss uses only natural essential oils to leave your mouth feeling fresh.

#wwog Working Woman's Oily Guide to the Dentist's Office

We all know that calcium is important for strong teeth. Taking a daily supplement like Super Cal Plus can be a wise part of your dental health regimen. Super Cal Plus has Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamins D and K along with other trace minerals and all of these work together synergistically to strengthen bones and teeth. And because all Young Living supplements contain essential oils the vitamins and minerals are transported to and used by the cells in the body more efficiently.

All of these are great to do daily, but what about when you do have to go to the dentist? I like to apply a little Lavender Essential Oil behind my ears right before I go in to help calm my nerves and relax my mind and body. You might also want to wear an uplifting oil of your choice in a diffuser necklace or bracelet so you can smell it frequently throughout your appointment. I like Orange Oil, Joy Oil blend, or Frankincense Oil in situations like these!

#wwog Working Woman's Oily Guide to the Dentist's Office

A couple of years ago, I had a silver filling removed and replaced with resin (to reduce the heavy metal load on my body). Before I went in, I used Clove Essential Oil on my gums to dull the pain so I wouldn’t have to use anesthesia. It worked really well. I continued to apply diluted Clove oil for a few days afterward as well. If you have any type of dental procedure planned, applying Clove (or Thieves oil which contains Clove) can reduce the pain, even if you are planning to use anesthesia.

These are the products that I use regularly to make my visits to the dentist quick and painless! Which of these products are you using? Don’t forget to Pin this quick guide so you can find it again easily!

#wwog Working Woman's Oily Guide to the Dentist's Office