
Working Woman’s Oily Guide to Going to the Dentist

When I was a kid, I hated going to the dentist. It wasn’t the dentist or the procedures, it was the smell! Even now when I go into certain dental offices they have that “dentist” smell and it makes me a little sick to my stomach. Thankfully, the dental office my family goes to now doesn’t have that sickly smell…otherwise I might not be so keen on going every six months. My semi-annual check is […]

3 Scripture Verses to Help You Sleep 2

  Since I was a little girl, I suffered from what I called “the Zimmerman sleep curse”. This was the 2 or 3 AM wake-up call that my body sounded on many nights. I attributed it to genetics since several of my dad’s family members have similar sleep patterns. I know now that there are a few physical issues that contribute to this, but more on that later. When I was young, I would lie awake […]